Esty Customer Care

Etsy is an online marketplace where people from around the world connect to buy and sell unique goods. From handmade items to vintage treasures, Etsy offers a diverse selection of products crafted by independent sellers. With a mission to keep commerce human, Etsy fosters a supportive community of makers, artisans, and shoppers who value creativity and craftsmanship. 

Etsy Helpline Numbers

For assistance with orders, account inquiries, or general questions, you can reach out to Etsy's customer support team through their website. They are dedicated to providing helpful and timely assistance to buyers and sellers alike.

Contact Number:
  • Phone: +1-718-855-7955
City Contact Numbers Address
+1 (718) 855-7955
Etsy, Inc. 117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY , USA - 11201